Soft Tissue Grafting
in Chino, CA

If you have periodontal disease, chances are you may also struggle with receding gums. This can cause unwanted discomfort, sensitivity, and even tooth loss over time. With soft-tissue grafting, your doctor can re-establish your gum line, avoid further deterioration, and enhance your smile.

Soft Tissue Grafting in Chino

Why do I need soft tissue grafting?

Restoring your gums with soft tissue grafting helps protect your remaining teeth, reducing your risk of future tooth loss due to gum disease. Along with other periodontal treatments, it’s an ideal solution for patients with moderate to advanced gum disease. You’ll also experience less tooth sensitivity, and enhance the natural appearance of your smile.

Chino Soft Tissue Grafting

Why do I need soft tissue grafting?

Restoring your gums with soft tissue grafting helps protect your remaining teeth, reducing your risk of future tooth loss due to gum disease. Along with other periodontal treatments, it’s an ideal solution for patients with moderate to advanced gum disease. You’ll also experience less tooth sensitivity, and enhance the natural appearance of your smile.

Chino Soft Tissue Grafting

Did You Know?

tooth icon

With proper at-home oral hygiene and periodontal care, your gum grafts can last a lifetime.

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The Benefits of Soft Tissue Grafting

Reverse Gum Damage

Serious cases of gum disease or things like over brushing aggressively can cause gum recession and damage, which may harm your oral health. With soft tissue grafting, you can reverse most or all of this damage, and smile proudly once again.

Enhance Your Smile

Receding gums can make your smile look unbalanced, giving you a “toothy” smile since your gums have receded. Soft tissue grafting restores the natural shape, lines, and volume of your gums. This, in turn, makes you more confident in your smile.

Minimize Tooth Sensitivity

Not only does gum recession affect your appearance, but it also can make your teeth sensitive. Some of the lower parts of your teeth will be exposed, and these are more sensitive to heat, cold, and pressure. With soft tissue grafting, you can cover these teeth up and mitigate sensitivity.

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We believe everyone deserves affordable dental care, even patients who require a little extra TLC. By signing up for our periodontal care membership plan, you’ll be giving your smile the high-quality care it deserves and saving money along the way.

The Soft Tissue Grafting Process

Initial Consultation

First, you’ll need to meet with need a comprehensive Periodontal Consultation with Dr. Mardirossian and establish a personalized accurate diagnosis & treatment therapeutic plan to address your gum recession concerns. Then, Dr. Mardirossian will let you know if you’re a candidate for soft tissue grafting.

Soft Tissue Grafting Surgery

Dr. Mardirossian will clean and numb the treatment site. Then, he'll take some oral tissue from elsewhere in your mouth and carefully suture it to your gums with delicate, fine stitches. Over time, this tissue will heal and bond with your existing gum tissue, restoring your oral health.

Healing & Aftercare

Dr. Mardirossian will send you home with a set of recovery instructions. Your mouth will mostly be healed within 1-2 weeks, though it could take up to 4-8 weeks for your mouth to heal completely.

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Before & Afters

A smile is worth 1,000 words.

See real patient success stories.

After ImageBefore Image

Cosmetic Gum Grafts

Covering exposed roots with patient derived Natural Connective tissue for functional & esthetic outcomes

Frequently Asked Questions

Check out these frequently asked questions, or call us to speak with our team.

Where does the new gum tissue come from?
Does soft tissue grafting hurt?
Can I eat or drink after my surgery?
How long does it take to recover?

Have More Questions?

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