Crown Lengthening
in Chino, CA

If you’re looking to fix your gummy smile, improve the health of your gum tissue, or prepare for restorative care, crown lengthening can boost your beams and set your smile up for success.

Crown Lengthening in Chino

Why should I choose crown lengthening?

Crown lengthening is one of the best ways to eliminate excess gum tissue from around your teeth, and create a more balanced smile. It can help you restore your appearance and your self-confidence. And in some cases, it’s medically necessary. For example, if you have a damaged tooth that needs a dental crown, the crown lengthening procedure may be necessary to remove some gum tissue and prepare for the crown placement process.

Chino Crown Lengthening

Why should I choose crown lengthening?

Crown lengthening is one of the best ways to eliminate excess gum tissue from around your teeth, and create a more balanced smile. It can help you restore your appearance and your self-confidence. And in some cases, it’s medically necessary. For example, if you have a damaged tooth that needs a dental crown, the crown lengthening procedure may be necessary to remove some gum tissue and prepare for the crown placement process.

Chino Crown Lengthening

Did You Know?

tooth icon

The results of crown lengthening are permanent, so your smile will look more even, balanced, and beautiful for a lifetime.

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The Benefits of Crown Lengthening

Create A Balanced, Appealing Smile

If you have a “gummy” smile, you may feel self-conscious about showing your teeth in social situations. With crown lengthening, your oral surgeon can expose more tooth material, create a more balanced appearance, and improve your confidence.

Prepare For Other Dental Treatments

If not enough of your tooth is exposed, crown lengthening may be needed to expose more tooth structure in preparation for a dental crown or a similar restoration. It ensures that your follow-up procedure will be successful.

Long-Lasting Results

Crown lengthening treatment is permanent, and will keep your smile healthy and balanced for years to come, so it’s a good investment for both your appearance and your oral health.

Flexible Payment Options

In-network with popular insurance providers

Healthcare financing options

Free Consultation

Everyone deserves to love their smile. That’s why we make it easy to pay for your treatment in a way that fits your budget and lifestyle.

The Crown Lengthening Process

Cleaning & Preparation

To begin, your oral surgeon will clean your gums and mouth, and numb your mouth to ensure your comfort. You won’t feel a thing during the treatment process.

Removing & Sculpting Gum Tissue

Next, your oral surgeon will use a variety of special tools to remove some gum tissue from around your teeth, and to reshape the underlying bone, if necessary. They will follow a custom surgical plan to make sure your new smile looks perfect.

Aftercare & Healing

Once your procedure is done, you’ll be sent home with instructions on how to rest, heal, and recover. Make sure you follow your instructions, and come to our office for any scheduled follow-ups so that Dr. Mardirossian can check on your healing and recovery.

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Before & Afters

A smile is worth 1,000 words.

See real patient success stories.

After ImageBefore Image

Cosmetic Crown Lengthening

Treatment/Management of Gummy Smiles

Frequently Asked Questions

Check out these frequently asked questions, or call us to speak with our team.

Does insurance cover crown lengthening?
How long does it take to heal?
Does crown lengthening surgery hurt?

Have More Questions?

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