Paseo Del Sol Medical Center
13197 Central Ave. #201, Chino, CA 91710

Ridge Preservation

Ridge Preservation

Careful management of extraction sockets after tooth extraction prevents disfiguring bone loss and leads to a better cosmetic outcome of tooth replacement. Whenever a tooth within the esthetic zone (within the gummy area in the viewable smile line) is to be extracted or in sites which may later receive dental implants it is advisable to consider socket/ridge preservation bone grafting. This will slow the process of gum and bone collapse. This atrophy occurs after the extraction of teeth and grafting allows for less shrinkage and a more esthetic tooth replacement (either implant crown or fixed bridge around the replacement teeth).

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General mention of the importance of following through and completing diagnosed and recommended treatments in a timely manner. OUR office; being dental specialty pertaining to chronic disease management; or dealing with the pitfalls of missing teeth; thinning atrophic jaw critical our patients understand that proceeding & completing Dr diagnosed conditions; really saves them their teeth; or replaces them with dental Implants in most conservative AND cost-effective manner possible. Delay's in recommended therapy really can be most costly and cause more hardship to our patients