Paseo Del Sol Medical Center
13197 Central Ave. #201, Chino, CA 91710


New Patient Form

Click here to download our New Patient Form in PDF.



Professional Organizations

The American Academy of Periodontology
American Academy of Implant Dentistry
Academy of Osseointegration
International Congress of Oral Implantology

Oral Health Information

American Dental Association
California Dental Association

Dental Societies

Tri County Dental Society
San Gabriel Valley Dental Society
Orange County Dental Society

Implant Manufacturers

3i (Implant Innovations, Inc.)
Astratech Dental Implant
Nobelbiocare USA

General mention of the importance of following through and completing diagnosed and recommended treatments in a timely manner. OUR office; being dental specialty pertaining to chronic disease management; or dealing with the pitfalls of missing teeth; thinning atrophic jaw critical our patients understand that proceeding & completing Dr diagnosed conditions; really saves them their teeth; or replaces them with dental Implants in most conservative AND cost-effective manner possible. Delay's in recommended therapy really can be most costly and cause more hardship to our patients